Express onboarding guide

Here is a quick setup guide to help you start using Menutech. You’ll find here a few tips and instructions on how to achieve the best possible Menutech experience 💙

If you have any questions regarding implementation, don’t hesitate to contact our experts via our Chat or email [email protected].

Create an Account

Here is where to create a 10 days free trial account.

Write your First menu

Click on New menu on the top left of your screen
You are on the " 1. Write screen":  Fill in the empty lines (sections, beverages, dishes)
Add details to your menu (title, subtitle, footnote, etc.) at the bottom of the screen.
Add details to your dishes, beverages and wines (prices, descriptions, etc.) by clicking on the list icon.

Preview your menu on the top right of your screen


Style your menu by clicking on "2. Style"


Translate your menu by clicking on "3. Translate"

Print or Share your menu online by clicking on " 4. Review"

Automatically Create Menus...

... using Excel

  1. Go to the "Templates" screen instead of using the "New menu" button.
  2. Click on "New menu..."
  3. Download the Excel template for the specified template.
  4. Follow the instructions tab to fill in the Excel template.
  5. Upload the completed Excel file.

... for Multiple Locations

  1. Activate the Locations Management module.
  2. On the "Manage" > "Locations" page, click "+ Location" and add the new location's details.
  3. Go to the "My menus" page to derive your menus for each location. A separate database of prices and allergens will be created per location.

... based on Automation Rules

  1. Activate the Automation module.
  2. On the "Manage" > "Automations" page, click "+ Automation" and add the new automation rule's details.
  3. Go to the "My menus" page to derive your menus based on each automation rule (inherit, replace, ignore, or inject new dishes).

... with Recipes

  1. Activate the Recipes module.
  2. On the "Recipes" page, click "+ Recipe" and enter the recipe details.OR
  3. On the "1. Write" screen of a menu, click on a dish, then the "Recipe" tab, and enter the recipe details.

... for Special Diets

  1. Activate the Diet Management module.
  2. On the "Diets" page, click "+ Diet" and enter the diet details.
  3. On the "Products" page, click the product name, then the "Diet" tab, and enter the dietary breakdown.
  4. Go to the "My menus" page to derive your menu for each diet.

...for Order-Taking

  1. Activate the Order-Taking module.
  2. Go to the "4. Publish" screen of a menu.
  3. Click "Enable for order-taking."
  4. Log into
  5. Go to the "Consumers" page and add a new consumer.
  6. Place your order.

Manage your settings

Adjust the settings of your Menutech Account and Profile.

What's next?

⬆️ Continuing the Menutech experience

Have you tried our software 10 days for free and are now ready to keep the Menutech experience going?

Here is how to activate your subscription in 3 easy steps.