How to use divider lines creatively?

This is a short guide to using divider lines in a creative way. Here you will find some useful tips and instructions for customising the style of the divider lines on your menu 🎨

📏 Add some divider lines to your menu

Not only are divider lines excellent decorative elements, but they also make your menu clearer and well-organised.


Go to the  Style screen


From the General tab, click on Decorators > Divider lines


Add lines above and/or below the elements of your menu (title, subtitle, sections, subsections, menu lines, and footnotes)

💙 Customise your divider lines


Create a colour palette that reflects your business identity


Use the colours of your business to create a contrast between divider lines and sections


Set the thickness and width of divider lines

Here are some examples:

↕️ Lines above and below sections

⬇️ Lines below the sections

🔄 Between menu lines (dishes, beverages, wines)