💡Understanding the Font settings in Menutech

The Style tab in Menutech allows you to customize the visual aspects of your menu, including fonts, sizes, colors, and more. This guide explains how to navigate the Style tab and adjust these settings effectively.

⚙️Accessing Font Settings⚙️

  1. Style Screen
  • Go to the Style Screen

  1. General Tab
  • Located on the right side of the screen, the General tab is where you begin your customization.

  1. Text and Colors
  • Inside the General tab, select Text and Colors to access the font settings.

  1. Font Settings
  • Within Text and Colors, you'll find Font Settings, which lets you adjust various text elements.

🖋Customisable Elements🖋

Within Font Settings, you can customise the following properties for each text element:

  • Font Type: Change the font using the drop-down list. Menutech offers a variety of fonts to choose from.

  • Size: Adjust the size of the text to ensure readability and fit within your menu design. The dimensions are in ''Points''

  • Color: You can select any color you wish using the color drag feature or using a specific Hex code.

  • Italicization: Toggle the italic option to style the text with a slanted appearance.

Note: Some fonts do not have an Italic variant.

  • Weight (Boldness): Modify the weight to make the text bold or lighter, some fonts have more Font weights than others. They can range from Light to Black.

  • Spacing between Letters: Adjust the spacing between letters by selecting the desired points.

  • Letter Casing: Choose between uppercase, lowercase, or other casing options to fit your menu's style.

📝Text Elements📝

You can apply these settings to the following elements:

  • Title: The main heading or title of the menu.
  • Subtitle: A secondary heading that provides additional context or description.
  • Section: Headings for different sections of the menu, such as "Appetizers" or "Main Courses."
  • Sub-section: Sub-headings within sections, such as different categories of wines or desserts.
  • Text: The primary content, including the names of dishes, wines, and other menu items.
  • Secondary Text: Descriptions of the menu items, providing details such as ingredients or preparation methods.
  • Footnote: Additional information or disclaimers found at the bottom of the menu.
  • Price: The cost associated with each menu item.
  • Declarations: Statements regarding allergens, dietary information, or other important notices.
  • Allergen Icons: Symbols indicating the presence of allergens, which can be adjusted in size and color.

Here is a visual Representation of each element inside an example menu:

✍🏻Custom Fonts✍🏻

Menutech offers a variety of fonts in the drop-down menu. If you need to add a custom font, contact Menutech support and send us your font files. We will be happy to add them to your account.

Note: Appropriate font licenses are required to use your own fonts.