🎨Make Menu elements invisible

In Menutech, there are times when you might want to make certain sections or items invisible on your menu. This can be useful for customizing the display based on different formats or for temporary edits without deleting content. There are two methods to achieve this:

Method 1: Using the Write Screen📱

  • Go to the Write Screen: Navigate to the write screen in Menutech where you edit your menu.

  • Select the Section or Item: Click on the section or item you want to make invisible.

  • Access the Other Tab: On the right-hand side, click on the "Other" tab.

  • Scroll to Display Options: Scroll down until you find the "Display options."

  • Choose to Hide: Under "Display options," you will see an option that says, "Hide name Only."

  • Select Hide Name Only: Click on the drop-down menu and choose "Hide name only." This will make the section or item invisible on the selected menu formats without deleting it.

Method 2: Using the Invisible Emoji🕳️

  1. Copy the Invisible Emoji: Copy the invisible emoji: ⠀ ''ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ''
  2. Paste into Element: Paste this invisible emoji into the element you want to make invisible. This can be done for any section or item on your menu.

By using either of these methods, you can control the visibility of sections and items on your Menutech menu, allowing for greater flexibility and customization.